giovedì 12 dicembre 2019

Formazione a.s.19/20 e Cisco CCNA

FORMAZIONE a.s. 2019-2020

Recipient details


Rosa Marincola

Issuer details
Issuer name
Badge details
Up2U Cybersecurity - Expert Level Badge
Get your Cybersecurity - Expert Level Badge completing the following sections: Cybersecurity - Novice Level CyberSecurity - Expert Level Digital identity Expert Level - Final assessment and the Final Self perception Feedback
Schools: how to deal with security and digital identities
Users are awarded this badge when they complete the following requirement:
·         ALL of the following activities are completed:
o    "Page - The Backup"
o    "Interactive Content - Backup Quiz"
o    "Page - Update"
o    "Interactive Content - Update Quiz"
o    "Page - Firewall"
o    "Interactive Content - Firewall Quiz"
o    "Page - Security Policy"
o    "Interactive Content - Security Policy Quiz"
o    "Page - Network Hardening"
o    "Interactive Content - Network Hardening Quiz"
o    "Page - System Hardening"
o    "Interactive Content - System Hardening Quiz"
o    "Page - Risk Management"
o    "Interactive Content - Risk Management Quiz"
o    "URL - Acceptable Use Policy Template"
o    "URL - Privacy Policy Template"
o    "Interactive Content - Did you improve your skills?"
o    "Feedback - Final Self perception Feedback"
Badge expiry
Date issued
Wednesday, 8 January 2020, 5:07 PM
This badge was issued for completing:
·         ALL of the following activities are completed:
o    "Page - The Backup"
o    "Interactive Content - Backup Quiz"
o    "Page - Update"
o    "Interactive Content - Update Quiz"
o    "Page - Firewall"
o    "Interactive Content - Firewall Quiz"
o    "Page - Security Policy"
o    "Interactive Content - Security Policy Quiz"
o    "Page - Network Hardening"
o    "Interactive Content - Network Hardening Quiz"
o    "Page - System Hardening"
o    "Interactive Content - System Hardening Quiz"
o    "Page - Risk Management"
o    "Interactive Content - Risk Management Quiz"
o    "URL - Acceptable Use Policy Template"
o    "URL - Privacy Policy Template"
o    "Interactive Content - Did you improve your skills?"
o    "Feedback - Final Self perception Feedback"